Why learn Go (Golang)?

Why learn Go (Golang)?

What is Golang?

Go, commonly referred to as Golang, is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed by Google engineers Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. It was first released in 2009, and since then, it has gained immense popularity among developers for its simplicity, efficiency, and concurrency support.

Reasons to learn Golang?

  1. Faster

Compiled languages are much faster than interpreted languages, and Go is no exception.

Go is generally faster and more lightweight than interpreted or VM powered languages like

  • Python

  • JavaScript

  • PHP

  • Ruby

  • Java

However, in terms of execution speed, Go does lay behind some other compiled languages, like

  • C

  • C++

  • Rust

  1. Memory Management

Go is a bit slower due to it's automated memory management, also known as the Go Runtime . A slightly slower speed is the price we pay for memory safety and simple syntax.

Go programs are fairly lightweight. Each program includes a small amount of "extra" code that's included in the executable binary. This extra code is called the Go Runtime. One of the purposes of Go Runtime is to cleanup unused memory at runtime.

In other words, the Go compiler includes a small amount of extra logic in every Go program to make it easier for the developers to write code that's memory efficient.

  1. Easy Multitasking

In Go, you can effortlessly handle concurrent tasks using Go Routines. Picture running a web server that serves requests while simultaneously processing data in the background. Go Routines Make it smooth and efficient, allowing your programs to multitask seamlessly without getting bogged down.

  1. Works Everywhere

Go's cross-platform support means your code runs smoothly on various operating systems and architectures without modification. Whether you're deploying your application on a Linux server, a Windows machine, or a Raspberry Pi, Go's portability ensures consistent behaviour across different environments, simplifying deployment and maintenance tasks.

  1. In-Demand and High-Paying Job Opportunities

In 2024, Go (Golang) developers will continue to be highly sought after, with companies of all sizes relying on Go for building scalable and efficient software solutions. From tech giants like Google and Uber to startups and enterprises, the demand for Go expertise remains strong. Projects in cloud-native development, microservices architecture, and backend systems often utilize Go, offering exciting career opportunities for developers skilled in the language. With its integral role in modern software development, mastering Go opens doors to high-paying positions and rewarding career paths.

How do I get started with Golang?

There are many resources available online to help you get started. The official Golang website provides a comprehensive tutorial for beginners, as well as documentation for more advanced topics.

But if you want to learn Golang with me, then you can join me on this journey. I'll be learning Golang with you. Make sure to subscribe to the newsletter and follow along with articles where we'll be starting from scratch and also building small to medium-level projects.